Property Sourcing Compliance – What You Need to Know

Property Sourcing Business Insurance Starting From Only £4.74 Per Month

Property Sourcing Business Insurance Starting From Only £4.74 Per Month

As someone who sources properties for your clients you face certain risks when it comes to things like accuracy and details. We all make mistakes, but if you, as someone who sources properties slips up it could be very costly. To protect yourself from potential financial or reputational loss, you need an active Professional Indemnity insurance policy. This... 


Tide - Register A Limited Company & Open A Business Bank Account

Tide - Register A Limited Company & Open A Business Bank Account For FREE

Become a Director of your own company - Register a Limited Company in the UK and open a business bank account, all in one go. Companies House (the government organisation where all UK companies are registered) now charges £50 to register your UK company – with Tide you can register your UK company for just £14.99. Apply within minutes, in one...